logo TenbandTV Ad Network

Tenband Media, LLC


Welcome to TenbandTV Advertise!

TenbandTV advertise provides affordable business advertising in Western PA and beyond via our Internet TV steaming network and unique QR advertisement system. 

Reach LOCAL buyers !

Effective regionally targeted advertisement on our Internet Streaming platform with all of our great content options is now within reach of all business owners. You know that your ads are reaching local buyers because all of the channels and content on TenbandTV is originated within the region and appeals to local and regional viewers in YOUR Market !

Free to Consumers !

TenbandTV is part of an emerging trend of Internet Streaming TV Providers known as "FAST" TV or Free Ad-Supported Television. This means that there are NO Subscriptions required and all content is provided 100% free to consumers. Your advertisements support the creation of content and delivery to an ever growing community of "cord-cutters" who are watching local content right from their living rooms on smart TV's and on the go via mobile devices.

 All Ads are Actionable !

Backed by our AI analytics we make sure that your ads are placed at the most effective times within the broadcast without interupting any of the action !  Viewers can take action at any time by scanning your unique QR code during breaks in action, or clicking on any of the pre-roll ad spots available to them within their mobile or Internet connected devices.

Join US !

Join The TenbandTV Advertiser Network today and start leveraging the power of Regional "FAST" Internet TV Advertising !

See the Current Ad Zones and offers currently available below

Ad Options :

We offer 2 primary types of ads which are embedded into our content :

1. Video Ads : 10-30 Second video ads formatted at 1920x1080 at 30 or 60 fps.

- Video ads are displayed in the pre-roll for our programming and embedded into broadcast content.

- BYOA : you can provide us with a 10-30 second Video ad and upload through this site by uploading the mp4 formatted file in TenbandTV Advertise.

- TBTV created Video : We can help you with creative to build a 10-30 second video ad. Drop us a line to request : [email protected]

- We will create a custom QR Code which displays with the ad and provides you with analytics insight into the performance of your ad (CPM/CTR)

2. Banner Ads : 970x250 static image banner ads.

- Banner Ads appear within TenbandTV web and also within broadcast content with Automated QR code.

- Automated QR code enables buying action within video broadcast content on TenbandTV Web/Mobile/Roku/AmazonfireTV apps.

- BYOA : you can provide us with your 970x250 sized static banner image in .jpg or .png format. File can be uploaded in TenbandTV Advertise!

- TBTV Created Banner Ad : We can help you with creative to build a static banner ad. Drop us a line to request : [email protected]

- No need to provide a QR code as we create these dynamically in our content based on the destination URL that you provide us in TenbandTV Advertise!

Example Banner ads

 See Examples of ad placements
Advertise with Us or Sign In
Daily3,000 / 4,00020 / 300.8812% / 0.6764%
Monthly28,000 / 67,000320 / 4001.1646% / 0.6037%

Available Ad PlacementsDescription
TenbandTV - Video AdsTenbandTV High School and College Hockey Broadcast Ads and Sponsors
TenbandTV - PIHL Penguins Cup Playoff-ChampionshipTenbandTV - PIHL 2023-24 Penguins Cup Playoff - Championship
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